Saturday, June 20, 2009

Little Swimmers

We have completed the first of two weeks of swim lessons at our neighborhood pool.  I was very surprised at the role reversal in my children this week.  Usually, Harry is my "jump-into-everything-head-first" kid.  I was afraid he would take that quite literally at the pool.  Hannah tends to be my more cautious child.  However, when we got to the pool, it was Hannah who couldn't contain the excitement long enough to sit on the wall with the other kids!  After a little while she settled down and joined into the group activities.  She has taken to swimming like a fish to water!  She has been the bravest kid in her class--jumping into the deep end more times than any other student.  Most of the other kids wouldn't do it, even with a life vest.  

Harry, on the other hand, has been very suspicious of the water.  If he can't stand, he's just not sure it's worth the effort.  After the 3rd lesson, I made him practice his back floats in the bath tub.  That seemed to help his confidence level the next day.  He is enjoying it, but still not as eager to go into the deep end as Hannah.  I'm hoping next week will help him get a little braver.  
We are headed to the beach in a week, and the kids are super excited to practice those new swimming moves out in open water!  I have already informed them that they will have to swim with other adults.  Mommy is afraid of water that goes past her knees.  So, maybe Harry comes by his reticence honestly.  I'll be sitting on the beach with my books and he is welcome to join me anytime! :)

1 comment:

Ms. Wynn said...

Hannah looks just like you in that picture! Too cute! Wish Ken a very happy father's day from me! Love youall,
Aunt Beth

"The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance on you and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26
